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Students performing in The Nutcracker Flower scene

Perform in the Nutcracker

Peninsula School of the Arts logo
Clara performing in the Nutcracker


September 14



September 28

Rehearsals begin

September 30

Participation fees due

October 5

Mandatory parent meeting

October 7

Signed contracts due


Performance schedule coming soon

at Peninsula Lively Arts Studio One


Performance schedule coming soon

Hip-Hop Nutcracker Sweets

at Peninsula Lively Arts Studio One

Performance schedule coming soon

Classical Nutcracker

at San Mateo Performing Arts Center, San Mateo


This year, the PSA Nutcracker audition is open to Level 5 and Level 6 students/ages 13 and up. Younger students are still welcome to participate! Email us at for more information on how to sign up.


PLA Nutcracker Audition: Saturday, September 14, 2024 at PLA Studios, 1880 S Grant St, San Mateo, CA 


Levels 5 & 6/13 years+ only

12:30 - 1:00: Registration

1:00 - 2:00:   Auditions


Participation in the PBT Nutcracker is open to ALL interested children Level Pre-Ballet 2 (5 years old) and up with little to no dance experience, to advanced level.


Important information, please read carefully:

Should your child wish to participate in PBT’s Nutcracker, they must enroll and attend at least one ballet technique class at PSA. Enrollment information is available here. If you are unsure what level your child should be enrolled in, please email




Rehearsals for Level 1 and up begin on September 28th.
Pre-Ballet 2 will not be called to rehearse until the final two in-studio rehearsals as well as all rehearsals at the theater.

Rehearsals are typically scheduled in one- to three-hour blocks of time between 12:30pm and 6:00 pm every Saturday and are subject to change. Due to having limited rehearsal time available for productions, students should plan to be at every rehearsal. If your child is absent due to illness you will need to contact school administrator, Shannon Schueller, at as soon as you know they will not be able to be at rehearsal.


Rehearsal schedules will be emailed and are subject to change. 


Plan on the following tech/dress rehearsals:

  • Tech/Dress for Sweets Thursday, December 5

  • Tech/Dress rehearsals at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center December 16-19

  • The youngest participants will be released from tech/dress rehearsals as early as possible.


Students must follow the PSA dress code for all rehearsals:

  • Hair pulled back in a bun

  • Class leotard, pink or flesh-tone tights, pink or flesh-tone ballet shoes; OR white or black solid-color t-shirt, close-fitting black pants or leggings, black ballet shoes. Dancers working on pointe may wear pink or flesh-tone pointe shoes.


Student and parent contracts must be signed prior to October 7th.




The participation fees are as follows:


Pre-Ballet 2 performers: $25 (t-shirt not included)

Level 1 performers: $215.00

Levels 2 & 3 performers: $315.00

Levels 4, 5, & 6 performers: $415.00

A $50 discount will be applied for siblings.


This fee covers all costuming needs, rehearsals, and other costs associated with the production. Please email for more information. No refunds on participation fees.

Participation fees must be paid by September 30th.




All costumes are property of PLA and will be returned to PLA following the performances. 




  • Mandatory Parent Meeting on October 5th.

  • ALL FAMILIES are required to volunteer throughout the production period: volunteer shifts are available during rehearsal time, the week prior to the performances at PBT and SMPAC, during Sweet and full production performances and packing/unpacking after SMPAC. Volunteer shifts are available with wardrobe, dressing rooms, boutique sales, props, flyers, program ads, special events, and coordination.

  • Details about the volunteer shifts, sign-ups, options available if you are not able to help during shifts, etc. will be discussed at the Parent Meeting on October 5th.

Peninsula Lively Arts

1880 S. Grant St. San Mateo, CA 94402

(650) 342-3262

Ticket information and questions, contact: (650) 342-3262

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